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Legislative Panel with Representative Paul Workman and Representative John Cyrier

Texas Reps. Paul Workman (R-Austin) and John Cyrier (R-Lockhart) gave AGC members a recap of their work in Austin last session, highlighted the 85th Legislature and the acrimonious environment that was dubbed the most contentious one in ten years. AGC TBB’s Corbin Van Arsdale moderated the discussion and underscored the vital work they did on behalf of the members and chapters.

Representative Workman stated that this session led to a lot of in-fighting between the Democratic and Republican parties as well as the House and the Senate. A lot of the tension was caused by party polarization in both the House and Senate. This led to a very hostile session that made it even more difficult to pass bills, according to Paul Workman.He also added that media and social media contributed to the disparity in the process of getting certain bills passed.

Representative Cyrier added, “This was my first session as a representative, and it was very eye-opening into the difficult process of getting a bill passed. You don’t understand the hurdles it takes to get a bill through the committee process until you are actually fighting for the bill.” Other representatives view AGC as “straight shooters with honest answers” and a go-to organization when looking for clarity on issues related to the construction industry.

Corbin Van Arsdale stated “We appreciate every member and chapter’s help that supported our initiatives and calls during the session as bills were being brought before committees.” Van Arsdale highlighted the importance of having contractors such as Representative Workman and Representative Cyrier fighting for the construction industry in the House of Representatives. Having them there provides validation and credibility during the committee process when overcoming the hurdles it takes to bring a bill before the House.

The Special Session starts July 18 and Governor Abbott has called it the “broadest, heaviest special session that anyone can remember”. “We appreciate everything Paul and John did to fight for our bills and AGC TBB will continue to support you financially, personally, and emotionally.”

For an update on all construction bills and their status, click here.

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