Last Modified: November 1, 2022
AGC Texas Building Branch (“AGC”) has created this policy statement to help users of this website, (“Website”), understand how we collect, use, and protect information about them. The term “user” in this policy statement refers to visitors of the Website. The term “collected information” refers specifically to information collected from the Website.
Information Collected
For each visitor to this Website, the web server automatically recognizes the user’s domain name, IP address, and certain information about the user’s equipment (e.g., type of browser, screen resolution, support for Java). Our server does not automatically record or recognize user-specific, personal information. Such information (e.g., e-mail address, telephone number, title, subject interests) is collected by our server only when volunteered by the user (e.g., when a user uses the site to register for a meeting, purchase a product, or complete or revise a user profile) and is recognized by the server only if the user logs in. We use “cookies” only to store user preferences and to record session information (e.g., user password, items added to a shopping cart).
Use of Collected Information
AGC’s primary objective in collecting user information is to provide the best member and customer service possible. User-specific information that is provided by the user is normally incorporated into AGC’s general database of members and other contacts. AGC uses information in that database, and shares some information in the database with AGC chapters and third parties, for the purpose of executing products, services, and resources requested by and/or offered to AGC members and other contacts. AGC occasionally shares some collected information with member and nonmember individuals and entities, such as when we provide attendees of an AGC event with a registrants list containing contact information. AGC generally does not sell or trade collected information to third parties specifically for commercial use but does provide limited member information to third parties for commercial or other use. This includes, e.g., membership lists shared with reputable organizations with which AGC has an established business relationship.
Access to Personal Information
Users can access and revise most of the collected information about them by contacting us by telephone at (512) 478-5629.
Opportunity to Opt Out
Because collected information volunteered by the user is automatically stored in AGC’s member and contacts database along with information collected by means other than this site, it is not possible to specifically opt out from the use of collected information. However, users may submit a request to limit marketing or to avoid specific types of communication (e.g., mail, fax, e-mail) or specific AGC publications by contacting us by telephone at (512) 478-5629.
“Do Not Track”
Some browsers allow you to automatically notify websites you visit not to track you using a “Do Not Track” signal. There is no consensus among industry participants as to what “Do Not Track” means in this context. Like many websites and online services, we currently do not alter our practices when we receive a “Do Not Track” signal from a visitor’s browser. To find out more about “Do Not Track,” you may wish to visit
This site and the servers that store collected information have industry–standard security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under AGC’s control. Please note, however, that no security system is 100% secure. Authentic Website pages requesting credit card information will be secure web pages, and sensitive data will be encrypted for transmission. Absent user consent, AGC does not knowingly share credit card numbers with third parties except to the extent necessary for, and incidental to, the purposes for which the user supplied the information. Our technical and operational security status is monitored and maintained regularly.
Links to Other Websites
This site contains links to other websites, some of which may look similar to this site and appear to be a part of this site. AGC is not responsible for the privacy practices, content, or security of such sites. After clicking the graphic or link, you will be redirected to the website of the provider. Similarly, when you click on an email link to Contact Us, you will be redirected to your email provider and leave the AGC’s website. The information provided in those emails are collected, processed, transferred, and stored by whichever service you engage to perform those tasks. These sites each have their own privacy policies and terms and conditions of use. Be sure to check the policies of the sites that you visit to see how those sites operate.
International Users
OUR OPERATIONS ARE CONDUCTED WITHIN THE UNITED STATES. OUR SERVICES ARE INTENDED FOR USE BY RESIDENTS OF, OR VISITORS IN, THE UNITED STATES ONLY. OUR SERVICES ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES. If you access our website from outside of the United States, your connection may be through and to servers located in your country or in the United States, or even in other countries where our service providers may process data. Any personal information you provide may be processed and maintained in the United States on servers and/or other network systems operated by us or for our benefit. Regardless of where you reside, your use of our website constitutes your affirmative consent to have your personal information transferred, processed and stored in the United States, and to allow us to use and collect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. IF THE JURISDICTION IN WHICH YOU ARE LOCATED OR YOUR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN HAS LAWS OR REGULATIONS WHICH REQUIRE THAT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION BE RECEIVED USED, SAVED, TRANSFERRED AND/OR OTHERWISE HANDLED IN A MANNER DIFFERENT THAN AS STATED IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY, THEN YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO UTILIZE OUR WEBSITE OR ANY SERVICES WE MAY PROVIDE. IF YOU ACCESS OUR SERVICES FROM AND/OR RESIDE OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES, YOUR INFORMATION MAY BE STORED, TRANSMITTED AND SHARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH U.S. PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION LAWS, WHICH MAY NOT BE EQUIVALENT TO THOSE IN EFFECT IN YOUR COUNTRY. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT YOU WILL NOT USE OUR WEBSITE OR ANY OF OUR SERVICES WITH ANY EXPECTATION OF GREATER PRIVACY RIGHTS THAN THOSE TO WHICH YOU HAVE EXPRESSLY AGREED AS STATED IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY.
Changes to Policy and Deviation from Policy
AGC reserves the right to revise this policy and to use collected information for uses not previously disclosed without prior notice and at any time. If policy changes are made, a revised policy will be posted on this page. If you are concerned about changes to this policy, deviations from this policy, or the use of collected information, please contact us.
You may contact us at:
AGC Texas Building Branch
502 E 11th St, Suite 430
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-5629